Introducing Connection Circles

Introducing Connection Circles

We are offering a new four-week program to connect and support disruptive leaders to show up strong and focused during these turbulent times. The idea is to bring together 6-8 disruptive leaders in an online meeting room weekly, over 4 weeks. Meetings will run for 75...
What is disruptive leadership?

What is disruptive leadership?

All organizations need someone to help guide them into the next venture that will ultimately lead to more growth and new discoveries. But there are a variety of ways one can choose to lead. Some are bold and make their own rules. Others are more content with following...
How not to let fear stand in your way

How not to let fear stand in your way

Every single one of us has goals or dreams that we wish to achieve. But how many of us actually make those dreams a reality? The trouble with setting goals or dreaming is that there is a tiny voice in the back of our heads saying, “You can’t do that.” This creates...
Disrupting your strategic planning process

Disrupting your strategic planning process

As we ease into the end of the year, you are likely deep in the throes of your strategic planning process. I spoke to one person who was pulling her hair out last week because it was so clear that the leaders were not aligned on even how the process should work.  In...
Meaning versus money

Meaning versus money

What do you desire more, meaning or money?  A friend shared an example of how they did an ethnographic home visit to a busy mom. The mom gave a tour of the house, sharing how busy and frazzled she was. They came to the dining room table that was covered with papers...